Message From James Webb, Jr. (SJC Director Assistant)

Post date: Sep 16, 2017 1:46:22 AM

Dear Community Stakeholder:


In case you did not see the September 11, 2017 meeting the San José City Council’s Transportation and Environment Committee, the Committee unanimously adopted the Airport Commission’s and staff’s recommendation to form the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on South Flow Arrivals. The Committee adopted all of the Airport staff’s recommendations and parameters contained in the staff report. If approved by the City Council, the Committee’s charge will be to:


1.      Gather input, concerns, and comments from the general public on the south flow issue.

2.     Identify and discuss possible options to address the procedure’s noise impacts.

3.     Recommend potential “feasible” options for FAA consideration.   


The parameters of the Committee would be as follows:


ü Focus will be on the south flow issue only.

ü The Committee will sunset after 120 days.

ü The Committee will not adopt any recommendations that will impact a community not represented on the Committee.

ü Every city in Santa Clara County and the County of Santa Clara will be invited to join the Committee. Each jurisdiction will be welcome to appoint one elected official and one alternate elected official. 

ü Each jurisdiction participating on the Committee will have one vote.

ü At least 2/3rds of members would be needed to adopt a recommendation.

ü The FAA will have the sole authority to determine the “feasibility” of any proposed recommendations.

ü A final report with “preliminary feasible” recommendations would be shared with FAA and Congressional offices for their information and review.


This item will next be reviewed by the full City Council on October 3. In the event you have not seen the staff report and attachments, you will find a copy of the Transportation and Environment Committee agenda at the following link: The Ad Hoc Committee item is item (d)3 of the Committee’s agenda.


The October 3rd Council meeting will begin at 1:30. However, the Ad Hoc Committee item will NOT be the sole or first item for Council review. Council will follow its agenda and the Ad Hoc Committee item will be reviewed in the order it appears on the agenda. We will provide you with a copy of the October 3 agenda once it has been published.


I hope you find this information helpful.


James Webb, Jr. | Assistant to the Director

Mineta San José International Airport

1701 Airport Blvd. Ste B-1130, San José, CA 95110